Jens Richter
2018-06-02 12:43:57 UTC
Hallo Damen und Herren,

ich habe ein Zertifikat erstellt und bitte um Aufnahme und BestÀtigung
CA Registrierung.

LG Jens Richter
Aleš Kastner
2018-06-02 18:26:03 UTC
Hello Jens!

First, you should NOT send .p12/.pfx files through e-mail, as these files contain your private key. The enciphering of your private key in such files is weaker than RSA enciphering by private/public key. No CA needs your private key, it should always stay in the computer where you has created the relevant certificate request. Also the .p10 file - request - can contain sensitive data about you.

Second, I do not understand your question. Is your certificate issued by CAcert?
As I do not know your .p12 file password, I have no possibility to check which CA has issued your public certificate.

Best Regards,
Aleš Kastner

-----Original Message-----
From: cacert-support-***@lists.cacert.org [mailto:cacert-support-***@lists.cacert.org] On Behalf Of Jens Richter
Sent: Saturday, June 2, 2018 2:44 PM
To: cacert-***@lists.cacert.org
Subject: x509Zertifikat

Hallo Damen und Herren,

ich habe ein Zertifikat erstellt und bitte um Aufnahme und BestÀtigung CA Registrierung.

LG Jens Richter
